The BIG Difference
Largest Collection Network
The country’s largest nationwide, dedicated fingerprint network, with more than 900 stationary Livescan sites in all 50 states.
Channeling Capabilities
Fieldprint, Inc., BIG's sister company, is authorized as an FBI private channeler, and all Fieldprint software, equipment and data centers are FBI-certified.
State-of-the art scheduling, tracking and criminal results management systems.
ISO 9001:2008 Registered
The only fingerprint service provider that is ISO 9001:2008 registered.
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Click the Learn More button below for more information. If you have any questions, please call 800-369-2612, ext. 2222 to speak to a customer service representative.

Why BIG-FieldPrint

Fieldprint, Inc., BIG's sister company, offers banks and credit unions access to a full-service fingerprinting solution, the largest nationwide fingerprint collection site network and direct fingerprint channeling to the FBI.

The BIG Fingerprinting Program for Banks and Credit Unions reflects a shift away from traditional hardware-based fingerprinting solutions and toward a pay-as-you go solution that requires no investment on your part. You pay for fingerprinting on a per-person basis, eliminating costly equipment purchases, maintenance costs, training fees and IT resources.

BIG has focused exclusively on serving the financial services industry for more than 20 years. We utilize technologically advanced resources, coupled with world-class service, to provide background screening, fingerprinting and more to leading banking and financial services firms worldwide. Fieldprint is built, maintained and serviced by the core technology and processes that have made BIG the gold standard for background screening in the financial services industry.

Because we understand the strict security requirements of banks, credit unions and financial services firms, our fingerprinting program was designed to meet those criteria. We have implemented a secure, redundant infrastructure on which our systems run, as well as a wide range of security systems, policies and procedures to ensure security continuity. In addition, we go to great lengths to validate the security of our systems through a variety of security audits and onsite inspections. Fieldprint is the only fingerprinting service to be ISO 9001:2008 certified. Additionally, BIG has received Verizon Cybertrust Security Enterprise Certification, HR-XML Consortium Certification and Safe Harbor Certification.
