The BIG Difference
Largest Collection Network
The country’s largest nationwide, dedicated fingerprint network, with more than 900 stationary Livescan sites in all 50 states.
Channeling Capabilities
Fieldprint, Inc., BIG's sister company, is authorized as an FBI private channeler, and all Fieldprint software, equipment and data centers are FBI-certified.
State-of-the art scheduling, tracking and criminal results management systems.
ISO 9001:2008 Registered
The only fingerprint service provider that is ISO 9001:2008 registered.
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Click the Learn More button below for more information. If you have any questions, please call 800-369-2612, ext. 2222 to speak to a customer service representative.

Fingerprint Services

We offer an array of fingerprinting services to address a variety of needs. The services listed below can be “mixed and matched” to meet your specific requirements.

Fingerprint Collection Using Our Fingerprint Collection Site Network

We match each applicant with the closest fingerprint collection site. Our database contains information about each site, including its location, hours of operation and any special site-specific procedures. This information is integrated into the scheduling process to ensure that the applicant has the most positive and efficient fingerprinting experience possible.

Once your applicant’s fingerprint appointment is scheduled, the secure website allows you to drill down into individual fingerprinting cases to track your applicant’s progress from fingerprint collection through receipt of results. At each stage of the process, the myBIG site displays the fingerprint collection’s current status, including “Fingerprint Scheduled,” which includes details as to when and where the collection has been scheduled; “Fingerprint Collected,” indicating that the prints have been captured; “Fingerprint Transmitted,” indicating that the prints have been submitted; and “No Show,” indicating that the applicant missed their fingerprinting appointment.

When the results are returned to, you can view the information in a highly secure, user-friendly tab within the site. Here, you can easily manage fingerprint results, and the site gives you the option to have BIG research missing criminal records dispositions and can adjudicate the results using your criteria.

Fingerprint Collection Using Our Client-Based Fingerprint Livescan Station

In cases where an organization may fingerprint a large number of applicants in one location (such as a headquarters or regional center), it can choose to have our Livescan fingerprinting equipment placed on-site. BIG handles the installation, maintenance and training associated with the Livescan equipment; acceptance of electronic fingerprint files; and submission of fingerprint files. The organization is only responsible for the cost of fingerprinting on a usage basis. This option eliminates the expense and resources typically involved in purchasing and maintaining Livescan equipment.

Organizations that select this option can also access the full functionality of the secure website.

Fingerprint Collection Using Our Mobile On-Site Fingerprint Collection Service

Our mobile Livescan fingerprinting option is available to organizations that need to fingerprint a large number of applicants at a single location. A trained fingerprint technician equipped with a portable Livescan system is dispatched to a location of your choice to collect applicants’ fingerprints.

Organizations that select this option can also access the full functionality of the secure website.

Fingerprint Channeling

Fieldprint, Inc, BIG's sister company, is authorized as a private FBI channeler and is one of the few firms in the world that is authorized to submit fingerprints to, and receive FBI Criminal History Records Information (CHRI) directly from, the FBI. This allows Fieldprint to offer authorized banks and credit unions direct access to the FBI, with no channeling agency or other intermediary required. Using an authorized private channeler reduces your cost, simplifies the account set-up process and results in a much more convenient service overall.

This service is typically provided in conjunction with fingerprint collection services, but can also be provided as a stand-alone service, if desired.

Fingerprint Card Scanning

We can scan your fingerprint cards into electronic format. Once in an electronic format, we can process these hard-cards in any way you require. This service is available on a retroactive basis – we can scan your archival cards, or scan hard-cards for you on an ongoing basis.