The BIG Difference
Largest Collection Network
The country’s largest nationwide, dedicated fingerprint network, with more than 900 stationary Livescan sites in all 50 states.
Channeling Capabilities
Fieldprint, Inc., BIG's sister company, is authorized as an FBI private channeler, and all Fieldprint software, equipment and data centers are FBI-certified.
State-of-the art scheduling, tracking and criminal results management systems.
ISO 9001:2008 Registered
The only fingerprint service provider that is ISO 9001:2008 registered.
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Click the Learn More button below for more information. If you have any questions, please call 800-369-2612, ext. 2222 to speak to a customer service representative.

Fingerprint FAQ

Q: What is the relationship between BIG and Fieldprint?

A: Business Information Group (BIG) and Fieldprint, Inc. are sister companies. BIG has served the financial services industry for more than 20 years. Fieldprint was originally developed in response to BIG clients’ requests for fingerprinting services. BIG provides fingerprinting services to its clients exclusively through Fieldprint.

More information on Fieldprint is available at

Q: What fees are charged?

A: The FBI and fingerprint channelers, such as the ABA and FINRA, charge a per-submission processing fee.

Q: Is my firm required to pay for applicants to be fingerprinted, or can applicants pay for fingerprinting?

A: You can choose a "firm pay" or an "applicant pay" option during the set-up process.

Q: What is the difference between a Livescan site and a print-card site?

A: Livescan sites collect fingerprints electronically via an inkless process. Print-card facilities collect “wet” fingerprints, rolling the applicant’s fingertips in ink and pressing them to a fingerprint card. Print-cards are scanned into an electronic format upon receipt by BIG. The BIG Fingerprinting Program for Banks and Credit Unions fee is the same for the Livescan and print-card processes.

Q: What is a Fieldprint code and how do I obtain it?

A: A Fieldprint code is a unique combination of letters and numbers assigned to your bank or credit union. Your applicants use this code when registering and scheduling their fingerprinting appointments through A Fieldprint code ensures that the fingerprints are properly matched to the applicant and to your firm when they are submitted. The code also reflects who is paying for the service, whether it’s your firm or the applicant. You are provided with a Fieldprint code upon sign-up.

Q: What happens to the fingerprint files after they’ve been submitted to the FBI by Fieldprint?

A: The FBI compares fingerprints to its Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) to determine if an individual has a criminal record. Fieldprint, BIG's sister company, is authorized as a private FBI channeler.

Q: What is the average turnaround time for fingerprint results?

A: The average turnaround time for results for fingerprints collected electronically is 24-72 hours.

Q: Why are some fingerprints returned as illegible and what happens if this occurs?

A: Fingerprints may be deemed illegible for a number of reasons. For example, if the applicant has a missing digit or if the ridges of their fingerprints are worn down and difficult to capture, their prints may be illegible. If fingerprint submissions are posted with an “illegible” result, please call our customer service team at 800-369-2612, ext. 2222 so that we may schedule a new collection appointment for your applicant. In that case, there is no additional cost to re-print the applicant.

Q: I forgot my password to the client site. How do I log in?

A: Please e-mail us at and we can help you retrieve or reset your password.