The BIG Difference
Largest Collection Network
The country’s largest nationwide, dedicated fingerprint network, with more than 900 stationary Livescan sites in all 50 states.
Channeling Capabilities
Fieldprint, Inc., BIG's sister company, is authorized as an FBI private channeler, and all Fieldprint software, equipment and data centers are FBI-certified.
State-of-the art scheduling, tracking and criminal results management systems.
ISO 9001:2008 Registered
The only fingerprint service provider that is ISO 9001:2008 registered.
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Click the Learn More button below for more information. If you have any questions, please call 800-369-2612, ext. 2222 to speak to a customer service representative.


At the heart of Fieldprint is HANK, our proprietary back-office fingerprint system. HANK is named after Dr. Henry Faulds, the British physician who in 1890 was the first to suggest that fingerprints could be used to identify criminals. HANK allows us to process, store and transmit fingerprint files seamlessly and securely.

The HANK system has four functional modules:

Enrollment, Site Location and Scheduling Module

Our enrollment, site location and scheduling module manages the entire applicant enrollment process. At the core of this module is the collection site database, which includes each site’s address, hours of operation and any special instructions, as well as performance-based information, including the results of post-collection surveys and mystery shop evaluations, which help us monitor site performance.

Registrants can locate a site, enroll and schedule an appointment via our website, 24/7, 365 days a year. The enrollment website provides an easy-to-use interface that allows the applicant to enter their information, locate a convenient site and set up an appointment.

The scheduling site is available in English and Spanish and is also Section 508 compliant for the disabled.

Call Center Module

Our call centers are available to assist applicants in answering questions about the fingerprinting process and to provide any other assistance the applicant may require. Our centers operate from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., ET, Monday through Friday. Our call centers, like our scheduling website, employ English- and Spanish-speaking staffers.

Store and Forward System Module

Our Store and Forward System is a state-of-the-art system designed to receive, translate, store and transmit fingerprint and demographic data between a variety of fingerprint sources and channeling agencies.

Processing of fingerprint files begins with the capability to receive applicant information and/or fingerprint images. These images can come from a variety of sources and in a variety of formats. The Store and Forward module is capable of converting the fingerprint files it receives into the specific file format required by any channeling agency. Module

BIG offers banks and credit unions full online functionality to track and manage their fingerprinting program through its secure client website,

The site allows you to drill down into individual fingerprinting cases to track individuals from fingerprint collection through receipt of results. At each stage of the process, the myBIG site displays the fingerprint collection’s current status, including “Fingerprint Scheduled,” which includes details as to when and where the collection has been scheduled; “Fingerprint Collected,” indicating that the prints have been captured; and “Fingerprint Transmitted,” indicating that the prints have been submitted.

Once the results are returned to, you can view the information in a highly secure, user-friendly tab within the site. Here, you can easily manage the results, and the site gives you the option to have BIG research missing criminal records dispositions and can adjudicate the results using your criteria.

Additionally,’s Management Report Configurator tool can be used to create customized management reports to track program volume and usage.