Locate Fingerprinting Sites

If you are interested in our electronic fingerprinting services, click the Locate Sites button below to see a list of BIG-Fieldprint fingerprint collection sites that are located near your offices. We offer the largest nationwide network of electronic fingerprint collection sites, so there’s always a site nearby.

Locate Sites

Business Information Group (BIG) offers two services designed to assist firms with screening applicants, employees and registered representatives: Electronic Fingerprinting and Disclosure Monitoring Services.

Please enter your firm's Central Registration Depository (CRD) number. Your firm CRD number is a unique firm identification number, assigned to your firm by FINRA.

Providing your firm CRD number allows us to present you with the appropriate screening program.

Please enter your firm CRD number below:

Firm CRD Number:

More InformationPlease enter your firm CRD number.


Your firm CRD number is used here only for informational purposes. Entering your firm CRD number in no way obligates your firm to sign up for BIG’s services.

If you do not remember or do not have your firm CRD number, please contact our customer service team at or 877-228-3909.

FINRA is a registered trademark of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.

Business Information Group, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vertical Screen, Inc. BIG® is a registered service mark of Business Information Group, Inc.

Fieldprint® is a registered service mark of Fieldprint, Inc.